A lot of the Promo and still are courtesy of BlackTie-Affair.org
Some of the pictures on this site are courtesy of The William Petersen Appreciation Page and The William Petersen Attic.
I'd also like to give credit to Alantic Alliance for the photo's because they are the one's who hired them done.
And credit goes to those who posted the screencaps on the different forums or emailed them to me.
Robin, Bobbi, coolcatz, tazzer, Erica, Rosie,and a lot of the members of talk csi.
Unofficial site for one of Chicago's best actors. This site is for entertainment purposes only. I am no way affiliated with
WP, or Alliance Atlantis, CBS Productions and Jerry Bruckheimer Productions.
(c) Mystix's William Petersen World (Mystix) 2005-2006