Csi Level: Three
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 168 lbs.
Eyes: Blue.
Hair: Sandy brown hair peppering with gray
Date of Birth: August 17, 1956
Place of Birth: Santa Monica, CA
Education: B.S. In biology, UCLA
Special Skills: Entomology
Marital Status: Single
Previous Employment: Youngest coroner in the history of L.a. County at age 22. Eight years later, a headhunter recruited him
to run the Field Services Office in Las Vegas. Grissom spent the last 15 years helping Las Vegas move from #14 to #2 in the
U.S. crime lab rankings.
Bio: Grissom grew up in Marina Del Rey California. His mother ran an art galley in Venice, and his father was in the "Import/Export"
business, dealing primarily with communist China.
Grissom's Parents divorced when he was 5. At eight or nine Grissom began riding his bike out to the beach every day to
collect dead seagulls, opossums, and anything else he could find. He would bring the remains home and conduct autopsies, slowly
teaching himself the ins and outs of death. As a Teenager grissom became known to local authorities, who employed him for
quick autopsies on dead animals such as cats and dogs.
By age sixteen, Grissom was an "unofficial intern" for the L.A. County morgue. He worked his way through college
and then went to work full time as the youngest coroner in the history of L.A. County. His Philosophy about his work has always
been "if you want to learn about forensics Master everything else first". While other may have a reason for being
a CSI, For Grissom the job is not about choice.
Grissom could no more work in another profession than a fish could stop swimming. CSI is not a job for Grissom, It's an
expression of who he is as a person, The perfect synthesis of personality and profession.
Offical Bio from the CBS site
This is one I did up taking stuff that was said in the episodes and some from the CSI Companion, published 8/04.
Will add to it as I go through the episodes.
As I get more stuff I'd like to do a kinda time line the only problem is the show suppose to be the year 2005 so if he
said 10 years ago he would mean 1995 if so then
1956 Born 8/17/56 (CBS site)
1962 got a chem lab(Crate 'N Burial)
1965 His father dies (Still Life)
1978 coroner of LA County (CBS Site)
1986 recruited to run field services office in Las Vegas.(CBS site)
1986 My first week in Vegas, I road the Desperado.(Turning of the screw)
1995 co-arthored a paper with Mark Thayer(Secrets And Flies)
1991-2000 He rode The steel phantom, Kennywood Park, Pennsylvania -- I actually hold the marathon record there.(Turning
of the screw)
1997 Sold Ecklie his Mercedes
1998 aprox seminar in New Hampshire
5/2000-2004 So sometime in there he presented a paper at an entomology convention in Cincinnati just so he could ride
Son of Beast(Turning of the screw)
2001 Fifth annual entomological convention in Duluth and Cockroach racing (Ellie)
2005 today
Gil Grissom was born in Los Angeles to a strong-willed, artistic mother and a (Botany teacher) father. Grissom's mother
was afflicted with otosclerosis, (.She lost her hearing when she was eight. (Sounds of Silence) (Gil's father taught Botany
and died when he was nine years old.) (Still Life) His mother went to work in a local art gallery, often taking her son with
her during business hours (It was mentioned she owned the gallery). He partially attributes this environment to his appreciation
for beauty and fine things. Growing up in a deaf household, Grissom communicated with his mother using sign language. He shared
his mother's love of reading, devouring every volume in their library from Ian Fleming to Shakespeare.
Grissom attended Mass with his mother every Sunday and to the naturally inquisitive boy, faith without fact was a problem
of logic. At an early age, he found himself questioning the scientific validity of the accounts he would read about in the
Bible. He was, however, able to take away many lessons of humanity and behavior from his religious studies. (He believes in
God, in science ... in Sunday supper. He doesn't believe in rules that tell me how I should live. (Alter Boys)
Fascinated with creatures great and small, a typical activity for the inquisitive schoolboy would be observing his ant
farm or performing makeshift autopsies on roadkill. Inspired by the intricacies of nature, Grissom had an innate admiration
for the complex machine that makes up animals and insects.
During Junior High, Grissom became friendly with neighborhood cops and began to hang around the local precinct after school.
He met a renowned criminalist named Dr. Philip Gerard who took the boy on as an "unofficial intern" at the LA County
morgue when he was sixteen. Seeing something special in him, Gerard convinced Grissom's mother to accelerate him through the
remainder of high school so he could begin advanced studies at UCLA where Gerard was a professor. (Phillip Gerard Was his
mentor (The Accused is Entitled)
An awkward teenager, he lived the same ghostlike existence at UCLA that he did in high school and put every waking moment
into his studies and experiments. He often took a untraditional approach to his education, creating independent studies for
himself, like going to boxing matches to examine blood spatter patterns, or mastering poker in order to finance his first
body farm.
After earning his PhD in Biology from UCLA at the age of twenty-two, Grissom found he was eager to get out of the classroom
and into the field. He took an entry-level position with the Las Vegas Crime Lab and advanced through the steps to a CSI Level
3 only two years later. Over the next decade, the impressive success ratio of arrests to convictions by the Vegas Crime Lab
won them the second highest rated crime lab in the nation. There was no question that this honor had much to do with the skill
of Gil Grissom and his crack team of investigators. Grissom had gained enough leverage to battle the constant threat of budgetary
cuts that would deny the lab the staff and cutting edge technology it requires.
A private man by nature, Grissom cherishes his autonomous existence. He's happy left to his books, his experiments and
his thoughts. Being one of only fifteen forensic entomologists residing in the United States, he makes time for travel in
order to lecture and conduct seminars. The element of perfectionism in everything he does also makes him expect much of others.
He is an adamant believer that there is always more to learn.
Source: CSI Companion, published August 2004 I made some correction from info we learned in episodes. The stuff in parenthesis
is what I've added. I also deleted parts that were no longer correct.
Other family member mentioned:
Has a Uncle Herb who was a plumber( Scuba Doobie-Doo)
Has an Uncle Phil (You've got Male)
Chocolate covered grasshoppers (Pilot)
Likes calamari and beer (Pledging Mr. Johnson)
Likes to eat whole wheat and fruit. (Strip Strangler)
Eats red ants he puts them on his eggs (Snuff)
He ordered double bourbon but didn't drink it. (Revenge is best served cold)
Likes Blue Hawaiian Coffee (Last Laugh)
We see him drinking bottled water (Strip Strangler)
His pets
African Red Baboon Tarantula in his office (Pledging Mr. Johnson)
Orange-kneed tarantula (Who are you?)
He has Hissing roaches from Madagascar He feeds them Dog food (Ellie)
We've heard him quote:
Robert Frost (Pledging Mr. Johnson)
Marcel Proust.
Edgar Allan Poe (Slaves of Las Vegas)
Linus from Charlie Brown (Ellie),
Shakespeare (Blood Drops)(The Finger),
Buddha (Felonius Monk),
Nursery Rhyme's (Sex, Lies and Larvae),
Sleepy hollow (Evaluation Day),
Poe (Got Murder?),
Yeats (Lady Heather's Box).
Isaac Asimov-- one of his favorite writers. (Crash and Burn),
Aristotle (Anatomy of a Lye),
Sun Tzu (Homebodies).
Freud (Fur and Loathing)
Movies, plays or TV shows mentioned:
Six Degrees of Separation. (Let the Seller Beware)
Gene Rayburn. Match Game (Blood Lust)
Silkwood.also knows Spiderman (Face Life)
The Exorcist. (Pilot)
Like's to watch discovery channel (Pledging Mr. Johnson)
Talking about the last art house left in Vegas. I saw Baraka here, on a
Double billed with Koyaanisqatsi "Build My Gallows High", "Out of the Past", "The Dirty Dozen",
"Guns of Navaronne" "Strangers On A Train
Not a big fan of noir, likes silent movies (A Night at the Movies)
Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Mikado"(Suckers)
World series of poker (Early Rollout)
He reads, or has read, subscribes to or gets newsletters
Gets the newsletter for the Little People Convention. (A Little Murder)
Reads the Forensic Medical Journal. (Friends and Lovers)
Ian Fleming's James Bond read the novels when he was a kid (Forever)
Misc things he knows about:
Houdini (Abra Cadaver)
Old Hollywood saying's (The Accused is Entitled)
About the seven charkas correspond to the body's seven energy centers. ( Felonius Monk)
Native American tribes customs (Fur and Loathing)
He knows La Perla women's underwear (Swap Meet)
Misc info
In college he use to cook his hot dogs he wires them up plugs them in. (Overload)
We see Grissom at the firing range we also see that he's an excellent shot. All bullets hit the 9-bullseye-target center.
(All for our country)
Science fair project ants Black Argentinians(Grissom versus the Volcano)
Grissom use's his body to cover Catherine (Grissom versus the Volcano)
Used to keep secrets but he's trying to change. (Jackpot)
His pulse is normally 70. When it gets to 95, he realizes how mad he is. (Scuba Doobie-Doo)
Doesn't do any good to leave him a memo he doesn't read them (And then there were none)
Find out he's been a baseball fan his whole life. (Primum Non Nocere)
Thinks everyone's a Competition junkie. (Primum Non Nocere)
Doesn't wear any cologne as he says it interferes with his job. (Crate N' Burial)
Worked in Minneapolis (Precious Metal)
I don't believe in luck. (The Execution of Catherine Willows)
Was at the MGM fire? (Lucky Strike)
He has in his office among other things a two-headed scorpion. Not to mention "Miss Piggy." preserved pig fetus
and a Big Mouth Billy Bass. (I-15 Murders)
Worry that technology is going to make them obsolete? (I-15 Murders)
Has been to the rain forest(Way to go)
Classical music (Homebodies)
Listens to Opera music (Lady Heather's Box)
Pink Floyd (PILOT)
Obviously most of crime scene investigation is about seeing. But much of it is about hearing as well. Listening. Knowing
how to listen. Not just to what people are saying but how they say it ... how their tone of
Voice matches their facial expressions or body posture. So, even if I read lips and know what they're saying ... it's
not enough.( THE HUNGER ARTIST)